Deploying Crash

Deploying Crash

Crash does not offer an authentication system (… yet …), if someone knows the URL they can join!

Deploy Crash

Choose a Crash Release


crash.server is only released for Windows currently. If you need a linux build you can build it from source easily.
  • Download a copy of Crash.Server from Releases
  • Extract the .zip
  • Open terminal and cd into crash.server
  • Run the crash.server.exe executable
    • running .\crash.server.exe --help will provide useful information that is more up to date than I can keep here
    • By default crash will run on or http://localhost:8080


docker pull crashserver/crash.server

docker run -p 8080:8080 crashserver/crash.server



  • Follow steps above.


Crash can be hosted easily using Azure and creating a Web App.


Visit the url of the Crash server on your Computer, if you can see this page, you can join the server!

Crash Splash